I was complaining to my hairdresser recently that my hair felt straw-like, as opposed to the high gloss tumbled-dried Mink feel it usually has. It came as a revelation to me that my hair may still be feeling t
he after-effects of my recent pregnancy, even though Bart is now 7 months-old.
Kelly, my hairdresser, then rootled through my bale to show me Exhibit A - small tufts of new hair. Never one to be reassured needlessly, I stated this hair was more likely to be what was left after five days of looking after two kids during half term, but no - said Kelly - if that were true, my small tufts would be more fist like in shape and size. And there I was reassured after all.
Regretfully however, my hair is likely to resemble a badly coiffured thatch for up to 18 months! Honestly girls, what are the benefits to having babies?

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